Women Veterans – How VA Is Shortchanging Your Claims


Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kubina/414211811

On March 13, 2015, H.R. 1356 “Women Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2015” was introduced in Congress.   Among other mandates, if passed this bill would require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ensure every VA medical center has a full-time obstetrician or gynecologist.

Can you believe it?  It would take an act of Congress to ensure that VA’s medical centers have at least one full-time obstetrician or gynecologist on staff?  Women Veterans – we hear you.  How can your disability claims possibly be addressed thoroughly, fairly, and competently if VA doesn’t staff itself with medical professionals who have technical competency in women’s health issues?   How many Women Veterans need to suffer from service-connected fibromyalgia  caused by exposure to burn pits and toxins from overheated plastic water bottles before this condition is acknowledged?  How many Women Veterans will experience the life-long pain of a child born with disabilities caused by service-connected exposure to birth-defect-inducing poisons ingested or inhaled as a result of military service?

What are the most common service-connected physical health problems reported by Women Veterans?  As described by VA itself, they are:

  1. Back trouble, arthritis, and muscular alignments (from carrying equipment and loads);
  2. Digestive illnesses and urinary problems (from deployment-related sanitary conditions); and
  3. Loss of sight;
  4. Shrapnel injuries;
  5. Amputations;
  6. Traumatic brain injury; and
  7. Paralysis

Loss of sight, shrapnel injuries, amputations, traumatic brain injury, and paralysis are especially common for Women Veterans who served in Iraq and/or Afghanistan.  Note that these are only the most common service-connected disabilities reported to VA.  Since the majority of Women Veterans (possibly as high as 87%) DO NOT use VA healthcare services, the number of service-connected disabilities for Women Veterans is under-reported.

Lack of staff expert in medical conditions faced solely or primarily by Women Veterans doesn’t even begin to address the access-to-medicine challenges faces disproportionately by women Veterans.  Access to child care so Women Veterans can go to their C&P examinations without the distraction of children is crucial.  In many cases, it simply is not possible or wise for a Woman Veteran to candidly discuss her health issues with the C&P examiner if a child is present.  Women Veterans also face physical and psychological trauma challenges that are in no way the same as those which present for their male counterparts.  In addition to all these difficulties, Women Veterans must deal with significant discrimination in assessment of their disability claims.  VA’s own Office of Inspector General notes that VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) “denied female veterans’ disability claims for PTSD more often” than PTSD disability claims from men.

Without medical professionals who are sympathetic to and actually skilled in diagnosis and treatment of physical and psychological disabilities suffered by Women Veterans, it simply is not possible for your claims to be fairly handled.

Don’t be discouraged.  If you are a Woman Veteran, you are entitled to have your disability claims fairly reviewed and adjudicated.  If your claims have been denied, now is the time to obtain assistance and level the playing field between you and VA.  You don’t and shouldn’t have to go up against a huge bureaucracy alone.  If you need assistance, contact a VA-accredited attorney who knows the system.


Public Law 109-461 allows Veterans to hire attorneys to appeal VA benefits rulings.  The Law Office of Robert B. Goss, P.C.  is one of the few VA-accredited Veteran attorney firms in the United States.  Contact https://www.attorneyforveterans.com/contact-us.html  today for your FREE consultation.


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