Articles Tagged with VA Form 21-0966

Count to 10!

Count to 10!

1. Don’t Make a Claim.  Ever.  This is probably the most common way Veterans miss benefits to which they are entitled.  The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will not contact you with information about how to claim benefits.  No one will pass along your service information to VA.  The entire burden of asserting a claim and initiating the benefits process rests entirely on you.

The sad fact is that VA is not responsible for any disability you have – if you do not make a claim.  Bottom line?  No claim = no benefits.  Even worse, benefits only start counting from the time you file a claim!  So – waiting to file a claim for benefits only means you and your dependents will receive LESS.  You will not receive back pay worth millions if you wait 20 years to file your claim.  You’ll only have lost out on all those benefits. Continue reading

No time like never!

No time like never!

The heartbreaking anniversary of 9/11 brings to mind a less well-known event that continues to impact Veterans.  Ever since the Veterans Claims Adjudication Commission (VCAC) issued its recommendations almost 20 years ago, the thought that Veterans should have less time – not more – to file claims and responses has been as evergreen as Texas cedar.  And just as much of a nuisance.

Veterans, be warned.  The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has already moved one step closer to reducing its backlog by breaking your back.  The VA continues to be busy figuring out ways to lighten its backlog of unexamined and pending claims by taking away rights and getting you to do their work.  One goodie they added this year is the so-called “Intention to File a Claim” form.   Continue reading

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