If you or a deceased family member was prevented from separating or retiring between September 11, 2001, and September 30, 2009, because of Stop-Loss, you may be entitled to $500 for each month you were stop-lossed (retained).
YOU MUST APPLY with your respective service no later than October 30, 2010, and apply using the following sites or e-mail addresses:
Stop Loss contact information:
Air Force: http://www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/stoploss/
Army: https://www.stoplosspay.army.mil
or email: RetroStopLossPay@CONUS.Army.Mil
Marine Corps: https://www.manpower.usmc.mil/stoploss
or e-mail: stoploss@usmc.mil
Navy: E-mail : NXAG_N132C@navy.mil
There are requirements you must comply with, but the program is geared to assist you. For instance the Air Force requires a simple 2-page document be completed and attachment of your DD-214 and proof of Stop-Loss. The DoD, however, is allowing statements to be made by the veteran’s chain of command to prove the veteran was retained.
For additional information please read Military.com, which cited the American Forces Press Service article by SFC Michael J. Carden at:
or the Army’s release of the article by SFC Michael J. Carden at: