Know your Rights!

VA benefits are protected from creditors, taxation, and other legal processes.

With the extremely long delay in obtaining VA benefits from the VA, many veterans face tremendous and crippling medical bills.

This blog will help you know your rights, and protect your VA benefit payments. Please see Threats and constant calls from creditors and even advice from non-VA accredited attorneys may compel veterans to make unwise decisions regarding their VA benefits.

One of my veterans desperately e-mailed me stating his bankruptcy attorney was going to include his VA disability payments as an asset that a hospital could collect and garnish. This advice is incorrect. The veteran just wanted to have the creditor stop calling.
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QTC is a contractor for the VA that performs medical examinations for the VA.

VA medical professionals who perform C&P examinations are VA health care providers whose sole job is to perform compensation and pension examinations for veterans seeking disability benefits. Their job is to evaluate veteran’s medical conditions and write a report documenting those findings. This report is sent to the VA disability rating officer.

My personal opinion is if you can be seen by a VA medical professional, over a QTC examiner that is a much better evaluation. Numerous clients call me complaining about their QTC examinations.

Recently, several of my clients informed me that a VA employee called them directly. The VA personnel made it sound that if the veteran did not answer the questions that the VA person wanted to ask, then this same VA person “was going to close the veteran’s claim.”

You hired an attorney to provide you with legal advice and guidance – – use the attorney and the Law Firm.

Tell the VA employee you have an attorney, and provide your attorney’s phone number to the VA employee. Tell the VA employee to contact your attorney.

If this were a civil litigation case, the opposing side could be held in contempt and sanctions placed against them. This issue of VA employees calling a represented veteran directly has been brought forth to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

Essentially, the VA is trying to get you to agree to something that will help the VA. Your answer may or may not help you.

Having your attorney know what is asked and providing the correct answer is best.
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In response to numerous veterans asking how to obtain a CHL, The Law Office of Robert B. Goss, P.C. is providing the following information based upon your veteran status and attempt to aid veterans obtain a benefit they earned (reduced fee for CHL).

If you have any questions regarding obtaining a CHL in the Houston area please contact:
Mr. Mark Giordonello (Mr. G) at 281-980-9103. Mr. Giordonello has agreed to talk and assist veterans, if possible, who are seeking their CHL.

Additionally, there are many CHL Instructors, but in the Houston area if you call Mr. G. and you like his approach you can arrange a date and time for training.

If you are interested in obtaining your CHL read on:
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I wanted to thank all the World War II veterans, their families, and those who lived in that horrible time of W.W. II, THANK YOU FOR SERVING.

I want to thank my Uncle, Peter Maisenbach, who fought as a U.S. Army soldier. Uncle Pete fought and survived the Battle of the Bulge, if my memory serves me well. My Uncle talked to me when I was enlisting into the USAF out of Texas A&M.

My Uncles Dale and Albert Goss also served, and I thank each of them. Uncle Dale ended up in Guam sometime, and Uncle Albert eventually went on to serve many years at Rutger’s University as a Professor and Dean.

Memorial Day, is a federal holiday observed annually in the United States on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. By the 20th century Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars. When you wake in the morning, say a quick prayer for those who have given their lives so that you might be allow to pray.

Thank you to all the veterans, active duty, their families who also serve and fear for their loved one. I can attest, the kids and family are also serving and deserve to be thanked for their sacrifices.

To Cynthia, Hans, Victoria, and Christopher, thank you – – I love you and THANK YOU for all you gave to me and this country through your sacrifices.

The first hero, Col. Van T. Barfoot, earned the Medal of Honor for his bravery during World War II.

Col. Barfoot fought in WW II, Korea, and Vietnam. Then in 2009, Col. Barfoot fought and won his fight to fly the American flag from his home. The Colonel’s Homeowners Association did not appreciate the Colonel flying the American flag that he and millions of Americans fought to protect.

The second hero is Jack McKenna, another true American hero. Mr. McKenna served his church and the Knight of Columbus as a dedicated member. Mr. McKenna served and protected all.

For My Vietnam veterans, First God Bless you and may you enjoy this sent from the wife of a brave helicopter pilot:

a.. Once you are in the fight, it is way too late to wonder if this is a good idea.

b.. It is a fact that helicopter tail rotors are instinctively drawn toward trees, stumps, rocks, etc. While it may be possible to ward off this natural event some of the time, it cannot, despite the best efforts of the crew, always be prevented. It’s just what they do.

c.. NEVER get into a fight without more ammunition than the other guy.

d.. The engine RPM and the rotor RPM must BOTH be kept in the GREEN. Failure to heed this commandment can affect the morale of the crew.

e.. Cover your Buddy, so he can be around to cover for you.

f.. Decisions made by someone above you in the chain-of-command will seldom be in your best interest.

g.. The terms Protective Armor and Helicopter are mutually exclusive.

h.. Sometimes, being good and lucky still is not enough.

i.. “Chicken Plates” are not something you order in a restaurant

.j.. If everything is as clear as a bell, and everything is going exactly as planned, you’re about to be surprised.
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