
VA Claims for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Requirements

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition which falls under Anxiety Disorders. It occurs in individuals who have been exposed to events which have placed the individual in fear of harm or death.

I am not a physician or psychologist, however, the firm is staffed with experienced Veteran Advocates led by an experienced Veteran Attorney, so I won’t try to provide clinical information on PTSD. However, I can provide some helpful information for those suffering from PTSD who are filing claims for service connected compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Establishing service connection for PTSD requires three basic requirements. First, you must have been diagnosed with PTSD by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. Second, you must have been exposed to events, called stressors by VA, while on active duty which have led to this condition. Third, you must establish a relationship, nexus (connection), between the in-service stressors and the current PTSD.

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