
Articles Posted in disabled veterans


C&P Exams: Everything You Need to Know

The good news is that not every veteran who files for disability benefits needs to have a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam. When you initially submit your claim, you will need to include a current diagnosis from a competent medical expert, evidence of a service connection, and a “nexus statement”…


Retroactive VA Benefits: Disability Back Pay

Filing with the VA for veterans’ disability benefits is usually a time-consuming process. Sometimes years can go by from the time of initial filing to when your case is settled. It may include requests for additional information, denial of benefits, appeals, and another review before you are granted a disability…


Can You Still Work as a 100% Disabled Veteran?

Veterans with a 100% disability rating may be able to work, but depending on how you were awarded the rating, there may be limitations to how much you are allowed to earn. A 100% disability rating can be reached in several ways: One service-related condition that is rated at 100%…

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